For Parents
"No school however good and no teacher how ever well meaning can hope to achieve anything without the backing and co-operation of a good home."
- Parents and guardians are earnnestly requested:
- To take an active interest in their children's progress in the studies through out the school year and not merely just before the final examination. They should sign their children's monthly record and examination reports and intails other remarks in their school calender as an indica tion that they have read them carefully and will attend to weakness, if any with out delay.
- To see that their children devote sufficiant time to study at home every day.
- Parents/Gurdians should see that their children do not have money or valuable articles with them.
- A student who breaks school rules or commits any act of indiscipline may be fined or other wise punished at the discretion of the principal. A student may be sent home during class hours for failure to comply with school regulations.
- Any communications (request or complaint) made by parents or guardians should be addressed to the principal and not the teachers. Mention should be made of the child's name and class.
- Parents and guardians are welcome to consult the principal and Teachers regarding their wards whenever necessary. Teachers should be seen, with the previous permission of the principal, not during their class hours, but during their free periods or during break; hence as far as pos sible appoinment with teachers should be arra nged before hand.
- Parents and gurdians are not allowed to see their children during class hour. Permission is to be obtained from the principal in unvoidable cases.